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The Langston is a partnership with Cleveland State University to develop 6.8 acres on campus into a mixed-use student housing project that contains 318 units, 603 bedrooms and 25,000 SF of retail space.

The Langston; Cleveland, OH

The Verge is a redevelopment of a former blighted apartment complex on 6 acres located across the street from Miami University into a student housing complex containing 128 units and 404 bedrooms.

The Verge; Oxford, OH

345 Flats is a redevelopment of the former city hall on 1.75 acres located 1 block from the Kent State University campus into a student housing project that has 128 units, 236 bedrooms and a parking structure.

345 Flats; Kent, OH

The CIA Housing is a partnership with the Cleveland Institute of Art to develop a 0.6 acre former parking lot adjacent to the CIA campus into a student housing project that has 53 units and 203 beds. 

CIA Housing; Cleveland, OH

Chestnut Place is a redevelopment of a former blighted apartment building on 2 acres located across the street from Miami University into a student housing project with 44 units and 170 bedrooms.

Chestnut Place; Oxford, OH
The Hazel
The Hazel

1609 Hazel is a partnership with the Cleveland Institute of Music and Case Western Reserve University to develop a former parking lot located on 1.4 acres adjacent to the campuses of CIM and CWRU into a student housing development with 64 units, 240 beds, classroom space and a parking structure.

1609 Hazel; Cleveland, OH

The Lex is a redevelopment of a former tobacco warehouse on 8 acres located 1 block from the University of Kentucky into a mixed-use student housing project that has 266 units, 649 bedrooms and 27,000 square feet of retail space.

The Lex; Lexington, KY

Smallwood Plaza is a redevelopment of a former manufacturing plant on 2 acres located ¼ mile from the campus of Indiana University into a mixed-use student housing project that has 229 units, 704 bedrooms, a parking deck and 30,000 square feet of retail space.

Smallwood Plaza; Bloomington, IN

The Institutional Advancement Center is a partnership with Kent State University to develop a 3 acre former retail building and parking lot located adjacent to campus into a 35,000 square foot office building for Kent State University. 

Kent State University, Kent
Roundstone; Rocky River, OH.jpeg

Roundstone is a partnership between NewBrook and Roundstone Insurance to redevelop a dilapidated 2 acre site into a 70,000 office building with indoor parking.  

Roundstone; Rocky River, OH
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